Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Cruise

Greeting again from the Blogging world. Of course it has been a while. I wouldn't be Maggie if i actually kept up woth something. My friend Shannon started her blog, so this always gets me motivated when my sweet friend with 3 adorable children has the time to keep her blog going, and me with 1 has a hard time. So thank you Shannon. Lot's has happened since the last time we talked...a young girl (18) moved in, tried to keep her head a float, we tried to impart the wisdom of Christ, then she just recently moved out. In between that time, we were busy traveling a ton. I have learned more in this 5 month window than maybe all the time I have lived. The Lord has shown me compassion, patience, and a love for Him I didn't know I had in me. It has been amazing. Anywho, during this time, I had the privilege of going on a cruise with Robby. I really actually just tagged along on a work trip for him, but hey! We had a great time! I really enjoyed being on the boat, and as you can see we LOVED the ice cream machine. It was a regular stop for us when we were even the least bit hungry. I am still trying to drop the ice cream pounds. We rode scooters in Key West and went to an amazing resort in Mexcio. It was awesome. I so missed my baby though! He had a great time wiht his cousins, William and Kaleigh. Papa and Mama were really pooped when we picked them up. So there it is! I am back and this time, LOOK OUT, I am back with a vengeance! Blessings of God to you All!