Sunday, August 31, 2008

Date Night and Bubble Bath

Just incase you were worried, these date nights and bubble baths are with my buddy Levi.  

See we have a little thing we like to do on Sunday nights after getting done with working at church.  Robby is usually on the road on Sundays, so it's just me and little man.  We get in the car, usually hungry from all the play with other kids, and head to dinner.  Tonight it was McDonalds.  Yuck, I know.  Hey, it was boys choice tonight.  (not going to pretend I didn't eat it)

After playing more and stuffing ourselves, we headed home for a night of more fun in the tub.  Levi loves bubbles of any kind.  The process goes something like this...
-turn on the faucet
-dump in some bubble bath
-watch levi wait patiently for the water to rise
-once the water is at the approved level...
-turn on the jets for supreme bubble making!

So have fun in your tub with your kids!  This way it doesn't matter if you get splashed!  You're wet anyway!


Nat Pat said...

Lily is way into bubble baths right now! Good to see you last night.

Denyse said...

So cute! I think Rob should try the "off-center" mohawk. Just might work for him :)

mballard11 said...

Just got my Grandma fix--first Olive, then Levi. Then there are the four children in SC. How could I ever be so blessed. Praise the Lord for all of our many blessings!

mballard11 said...

PS I need to edit the last one. Olivia--not Olive!!
Sorry, Olivia!