Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Gonna Get Loud Around Here!

He wants to catch your ear in order to awaken your voice. When you have your "quiet" time, or as you walk outdoors, or during your commute, may the decibel level rise to joyful noise and cries of needand may God listen to the sound of your voice!

The above is an exert from a Blog a stumbled upon in searching for someone to help me.  Tonight as I listened to my pastor go through Luke 11:1-13, I was more convicted than I have been.  I really wasn't so sure that was possible.  The Lord's Prayer.  We've all read it, heard it, spoken it.  Have we really applied it?  I haven't. 

I have really been struggling lately with prayer, reading, just the pursuit of Jesus in general.  My greatest desire right now at this moment, and I pray for every moment in my life to come, is to passionately pursue Jesus.  A true relationship with Him.  No more checking the quiet time off my list (which I never get to do anyway).  I am going to pursue Jesus to the fullest and let Him overflow out of me.  Still I get concerned and I doubt myself.

Therein lies the problem.  Myself.  I am in the stinking way!  It's about Him, not me.  As Matt said tonight, I can ask and ask and ask, knock, and knock and knock.  If I am not doing what I need to be doing and actually becoming active in this pursuit, then it will go nowhere.  

I might be the laziest person I know.  So that needs to end.  I spend more time in a day watching tv, answering email, working out, thinking about dinner, playing with Levi, reading everything but the Bible.  But I don't have enough time to pursue Christ.  How am I supposed to enstill the lessons of Christ in Levi when I and not living it at all?  His heart must be breaking.  The world and all my idols are winning!  Do I really want to stand before Christ and say, "sorry I just really needed to see the Olympics, nothing personal!"  It is very personal.  I want it to be personal.  

So that all brought me to this Blog, Between Two Worlds.  You should take a look.  He talks about talking outloud when we pray.  Why do we always feel we need to be silent?  Well I will tell you this, I think this is a marvelous thought.  Actually talking to God.  Getting away in a silent place so that He has my full attention and me raising my voice to Him.  I have never had a problem being loud.  So tonight as I talked with my buddies, I told them I just didn't know where to start.  Well, I think this is it.  I do talk to Him, it's just not a priority.  Or, it wasn't a priority.  He is waiting to hear from me, and He will.  It just might get a little loud around here.   


Skip said...

I'm right there with you Maggie. I always have good intensions but no follow through. Thanks for the honest blog, good stuff.

whitney said...

I love reading this because I feel this way so much of the time....your blog definitely motivated me to start evaluating my walk as well. Thank you!